We refuse to sacrifice our libraries, shelters, daycares, community centres, parks and drop-ins. We have other plans.
We want more services, better services not less. We want unionized jobs. We want more taxes, specifically on the rich corporations, and we want less money to go towards policing – and 13,000 people that took the Toronto City polls, and thousands of others in the city agree with us.
For months, we conducted a People’s Poll in order to solicit feedback from Torontonians about what services they are most concerned with, and which they most want to see strengthened and expanded.
On September 10, we held a city-wide public meeting, in which neighbourhood committees from around drafted a People’s Declaration for the city of Toronto.
On September 26 & 27, City Hall intended to vote on the Executive Committee and Special Committee recommendations- they voted on some, but not all recommendations- these have been put off until January, when Stop the Cuts will be there to stop them from passing these recommendations. Please see further details here, and stay in touch as things are being planned: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=176404389105646 .