Women Speak Out Against the Cuts
This morning at City Hall, women service users and women workers spoke out against the budget cuts that will disproportionately impact women with racialized women, newcomer women, women with disabilities and young women especially affected. Women as a group have higher than average rates of poverty; they hold roles as primary care providers, and make up a substantial segment of the public service workforce whose jobs are on the line.
Speakers talked about how the cuts will impact their lives, and the lives of women in their community in areas such as TTC, child care, recreation, health, community grants, and good jobs. The event was organized by Toronto Women’s City Alliance, the Immigrant Women’s Health Centre, Good Jobs for All, Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto, and the United Steelworkers Toronto Women’s Committee. Read the media release here
Toronto Board of Trade Supports Bigger Property Tax Increase, Protection of Services
The Toronto Board of Trade has written a letter to members of Council calling for a 3% property tax increase (over the 2.5% recommended), an extra 5 cent increase to TTC fares for a total of 15 cent, saving community grants that allow nonprofit community agencies to provide vital community services, health initiatives and art programs across the city, safeguarding services to priority neighbourhoods and investing more in the TTC. Read the report here
Mapping the Cuts: CBC Radio Interview
SPT Senior Researcher Beth Wilson (yours truly) was interviewed by CBC Radio’s Here and Now Toronto host Laura Di Battista about the impact of service cuts on low income neighbourhoods, and how to take these damaging cuts off the table. Listen here
SPT Director of Community Engagement Presents to Packed House at Ward 15 Eglinton-Lawrence Budget Forum
Last night, several councillors held their local constituent budget forums. It was standing room only with over one hundred people at Councillor Colle’s forum in Eglinton-Lawrence. SPT Director of Community Engagement Winston Tinglin and Toronto Board of Trade VP Richard Joy presented their perspectives on the City budget. Residents took part in small group discussions and then offered their analysis, asked questions and called for action at the town hall. Overwhelmingly residents called on Councillor Colle to vote against the service cuts that will hurt their community and groups across the city.