Off-Peak Hour Closures at Selected Arenas
Updated Jan 6, 2012
The 10 arenas were selected based on lowest hourly usage Monday to Friday between 7am and 4pm and had a utilization rate of 3.5% of
available off-peak daytime hours in 2010. Permit groups will be able to use available ice time at the remaining city-run arenas across the City.
The 10 stand-alone areas recommended for off-peak hour closures include
Long Branch Arena, Ward 6
Chris Tonks Arena, Ward 12
Bayview Arena, Ward 24
Lambton Arena, Ward 13
Habitant Arena, Ward 7
Commander Park RC, Ward 41
Phil White Arena, Ward 21
Pine Point Arena, Ward 2
John Booth Arena, Ward 8
Baycrest Arena, Ward 15
Service Level Change: The highest service level impact will be to the TDSB and TCDSB who account for over 55% of the total hours booked at the 10 arenas during the off-peak daytime hours.
Eliminate Programming at 7 of 33 Selected TDSB Pools
The following TDSB pools were selected for closure:
Bedford Park CC, Ward 25
Frankland CC, Ward 30
Gordon A. Brown MS, Ward 31
Hillcrest CC, Ward 21
Runnymede CI, Ward 13
S.H. Armstrong CRC, Ward 32
Sir Wilfrid Laurier CI, Ward 43
The 7 TDSB pools were selected based on low annual visits and high relative costs per visit, as well as the provision of other indoor swim opportunities in the ward or within a close
geographic proximity. Ward demographics were also considered in the final site selection. A typical location offers instructional swim, leisure swim and aquatic leadership courses as
well as permitted use.
Groups currently permitting time in TDSB pools through the City, would be able to permit the same pools directly through TDSB.
A 3 month notice to TDSB is required before the City can terminate its obligations.
Service Level Change:
Eliminating programming at the 7 selected TDSB pools will impact 48,341 or 7.5% of total 645,000 participant visits in TDSB pools, however, a significant portion of them can be
accommodated within pools within reasonable proximity.
Eliminate Programming at 12 of 29 Selected Shared Use TDSB Schools
The following locations have been proposed:
Bloordale CS, Ward 3
Brown CC, Ward 22
Earl Beatty CC, Ward 31
Fairmount Park CC, Ward 32
Hillcrest CC, Ward 21
James S. Bell CS, Ward 6
John English CS, Ward 6
John G. Althouse CS, Ward 3
Keele CC, Ward 13
McNicoll CC, Ward 24
The Elms CS, Ward 2
Thistletown CC, Ward 1
Locations were selected after being ranked based on total recreation visits by locations, 2010 gross and net cost per visit and total
ward visits per capita. Each location offers a mix of programming such as arts, camps, fitness, dance sports and leadership. The savings will result from reduced permanent and part-time
staff, supplies cost reduction, reduced TDSB lease payments and will be accompanied by lower PF&R program user fee revenues.
Service Level Change:
Eliminating programming at the 12 selected locations will impact 230,000 or 35% of participant visits in the TDSB schools. The majority of eliminated programs cannot be
accommodated in existing city owned facilities.
Close 2 of 59 Selected Outdoor Pools with Low Usage and Capital Cost Avoidance
The two pools selected for closure are:
Fairhaven outdoor pool, Ward 2
Stanley Park outdoor pool, Ward 19
Fairhaven and Stanley Park outdoor pools were
selected since they have lower than average total visits and higher than average cost per visit. Both outdoor pools have other outdoor pool options within a 5 km radius.
In addition to operating savings, aproximately $0.505 million in capital costs will be avoided in the 10-year Capital Plan as a result of closing these two outdoor pools. Fairhaven
outdoor pool requires various concrete repairs and repairs to flooring and doors. Stanley Park outdoor pool requires repairs to the pool deck and tank as well as mechanical and electrical
Service Level Change:
In 2010, there were approximately 1,231,000 participant visits at the 59 outdoor pools city wide. 2011 participant visits are anticipated to be approximately the same. The two locations
recommended for closure accounted for 14,948 (or 1.2%) participant visits in 2010 and will have to be accommodated by other locations, once closed.
Close 5 Wading Pools with Lowest Usage and Capital Cost Avoidance
These wading pools are located in:
MacGregor Playground, Ward 18
Fred Hamilton Playground, Ward 19
Alexandra Park, Ward 20
Wellesley Park, Ward 28
Kempton Howard Park, Ward 30
Locations were selected based on number of wading pools per ward and lowest usage within a ward. All of the selected wading pools require capital
investments which will be avoided once these locations are closed.
Service Level Change:
In 2010, there were approximately 482,246 visits at the 106 City-owned wading pools. 5 wading pools selected for closure accounted for approximately 11,000 (or 2.3%) participant
visits. Due to a high number of wading pools in certain wards, residents may be able to use one of the other wading pool or splash pad locations in the ward. Wards with only one
wading pool were not impacted.