
After a successful 1st action, Beaches Stop the Cuts is going right ahead with our next one!

The Ford plan is for the TTC to have significant service cuts and a fare increase of at least 10 cents per ride. This will slow everyone
down, increase pollution and make the poo…r poorer.

The 501 Queen as well as the 504 King are slated to have service cuts, so we will stand on the corners of this busy intersection holding
signs, leafleting, talking to passersby and possibly chanting (or singing some familiar songs with original lyrics by our members!).

There will also be an opportunity to board the 501 towards the end of the action, and use the people’s mic to talk to the riders!
Monday, December 12th, 5:30-6:30pm
Queen E/Broadview

Please come out/tell your friends!


Our next meeting is also coming up on:

Wednesday December 14th, 6:30-8:30pm
Community Centre 55, 97 Main Street (South of Main/Gerrard)

All are welcome :)

Michael Waglay
Beaches Stop the Cuts


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