Location: Toronto City Hall- meeting inside (100 Queen Street West)
Link out: Click here
Description: Parents! Kids! Childcare Workers! Supporters!
Join us Thursday, December 8th 9:30 am (sharp please!) as we deliver a holiday message to Rob Ford (a.k.a. THE GRINCH WHO STOLE CHILDCARE)
Our kids aren’t gravy!
In the midst of an affordable daycare crisis, Rob Ford and his followers are insisting on slashing childcare services – cutting 2000 desperately-needed subsidies, closing childcare centres, and even considering cuts to quality control inspections and family resource centres. On top of these proposals are a myriad of other cuts, such as those to nutrition programs and affordable housing, that hurt our families and communities.
This is not the kind of city we want to raise our children in.
Don’t let the Grinch shrug his shoulders and blame the province while he pushes through policies that hurt kids and force parents out of work.
Join us, our kids, and our Grinch
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 9:30 – 10:30 am
Meeting inside City Hall
This demonstration is organized in association with the Toronto “Stop the Cuts!” Coalition.
Start Time: 9:30
Date: 2011-12-08
End Time: 10:30